Дружба friendship

Дружба friendship
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На тему: Дружба

Сазонова О.М.

10 класс А

How do I see a real friend? First of all, he must be kind, friendly, and responsive - because people are so essential goodness, generosity, attention.

A true friend is to be a man of his word, a modern outlook on life, to be able to defend their point of view. I also want to a person with whom I"m friendly, able to behave in society and was always himself. I want him to respect the human person, and therefore has always been indulgent, soft and pliable.

Qualities, which should have a true friend, very much, but above all, it must be really real and not fake.

A true friend is someone who is always around to help. Popular wisdom says: "I do not have a hundred rubles, and a hundred friends." And it"s just said! After all, a person with no friends, like a beggar.

Sometimes you ask a man: "Do you have many friends?". And you will hear the answer: "Yes, a lot." And that means it is often used in speaking the word "friend"?

Friend - is the one with whom you can work around three times the earth"s equator hand in hand, and then sit down on the edge of the ocean, and, without a word, watch the sunset.

Each - is the one who had to be done in half a small amount of money, and absolutely unable to do so, and using the principle of "it"s me, and it is - you."

Friend - is the one with whom you can share your feelings about the brightness of the sun, the color of the sky and the smell of the wind and feel like an idiot only partially, but not completely.

Friend - is the one in whose promise can not believe it, and accept - as fact.

Friend - is the one with whom you can talk about the same time of love, God, death, and poor phenomena of mass culture.

Friend - is a greedy man. He will never share any pain or joy. All that you can take, you have to take yourself.

In the end, one is the person who will help you in any time constraints, not necessarily financially. This is a very sympathetic person. He will not lie to you looking in his eyes, because sometimes bitter truth is better than sweet lies.

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